presently i reside in brooklyn, new york working as an art director for
multimerge inc.
my education was concentrated in the areas of fine arts, graphic design and art history.
i am always interested in several different mediums, techniques and formats. my work continually overlaps taking on an eclectic array of visual
expression. i focus mainly on traditional abstract and surrealism utilizing acrylics and oils and intertwining them both. without losing touch with
my multimedia design background, many of my paintings will manifest themselves within kiosk-esque installations viewers can interact with.
my style is intended for aesthetic beauty in interior spaces while at the same time seducing the viewer...having them reflect on its meaning.
i am presently represented by the
agora gallery in soho, ny. if you would like to receive information about upcoming shows please
let me know.
if you are interested in my digital work, you can view my portfolio at
multimerge inc..
photo by
brian klutch photography