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Security: Settings

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* Indicates required field.

Short explanation about what these fields are. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sit amet purus sit amet enim tincidunt consectetur. Mauris sit amet turpis commodo ipsum consectetur pretium. Proin interdum sollicitudin tellus nec interdum. In arcu risus, venenatis ac congue sed, pharetra quis felis. Sed mattis, justo et pellentesque ultrices, ipsum nisl bibendum sapien, id mollis massa magna eget nisi. Nulla facilisi. Morbi bibendum facilisis pulvinar.

*Passcode: Create a password for your Marketplace visitors
*Confirm Passcode:
Login Screen Notes: Add custom notes your visitors will see upon login
Upon log-out, redirect the shopper: Select a page where customers will be sent to upon logging out of the application

Prompt anonymous shoppers to sign in during checkout.
*Login Screen Notes: Add custom notes your visitors will see upon login
*Enable Access Codes:
Upon log-out, redirect the shopper: Select a page where customers will be sent to upon logging out of the application

Group Access Rights

Group Name Access Level Access Code
My Group Name
My Group Name
My Group Name
My Group Name

A short explanation about what Single Sign-On is. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a arcu vulputate mi ornare vulputate at a arcu.